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5 Ways Entrepreneurs Can Prioritise ritize Self-Care

As a business owner, your to-do list never really ends. Even on slow days, you know that something always needs your attention. But entrepreneurs who consistently skip out on self-care can actually hold themselves back in the long run - you need downtime to formulate great new ideas and feel truly energized before busy periods! Hiring a personal trainer through Pro-Balance can help you dedicate blocks of time to self-care each week, and these tips will encourage you to focus on your mental and physical health.

Effective Scheduling

In order to leave room in your schedule for self-care, you’ll need to focus on establishing a healthy work-life balance. This is especially important if you’re managing other workers because you’re always concentrating on the needs of others in addition to yourself.

Aim to incorporate opportunities for remote work and vacation days into your schedule. When you have days off, make time for relaxing activities like meditation and practicing yoga. You can also set clear boundaries with your team - for example, you do not need to answer emails after office hours or on weekends. Turning off your devices at the end of the workday will enable you to get to bed earlier so that you’ll be fully recharged the next morning!

Exercise at Home

Maybe you don’t have time to get to the gym, but that doesn’t mean you have to skip out on exercising! Instead, you could start working out at home on a regular basis. Rather than trying to head to the gym every day, you might consider scheduling occasional sessions with a personal trainer to master new skills and stay on track.

Eat a Healthy Diet

You might find yourself ordering takeout most nights. But you can’t practice genuine, consistent self-care without prioritizing a healthy diet. If you don’t have time to cook every day, you could whip up large portions of your favorite recipes and spend part of your weekend meal prepping - on busy weekdays, all you have to do is reheat portions to enjoy healthy dishes! You can also keep nutritious snacks on hand for the workday, like nuts, fruit, or low-sugar granola. And if you need a sweet treat for a midday pick-me-up, dark chocolate will do the trick!

Learn to Delegate

You like having a hand in every business-related task, but in order to prioritize the most important projects and avoid overextending yourself, you need to learn how to delegate! To make room in your routine for self-care, you have to lessen your own workload by trusting your team with a higher level of responsibility. To master the art of delegation, Campbell & Fletcher recommends choosing team members based on their individual strengths, providing clear instructions for given tasks, soliciting feedback from your team, and training employees on new skills when necessary.

Consider Outsourcing Tasks

What should you do if you know that you’ve got a busy stretch coming up, but you don’t have anyone in your team who specializes in the skills that this particular project requires? Sure, you could try tackling it yourself, or you could outsource certain tasks by hiring short-term contractors so that you can continue enjoying plenty of time for self-care. To find the right people for the job, Talent International recommends determining exactly what kind of candidate you need for the project and asking for referrals for contractors from other entrepreneurs you trust.

Entrepreneurs often find it hard to slow down. Although it may sound counterintuitive, scaling back on your workload and giving yourself more time for rest and relaxation can actually benefit your business. By applying some of these suggestions, you’ll feel more productive, and you’ll realize why it’s so important to unplug once in a while!

Ready to commit to a fitness routine? Get the support and expert guidance you need with a personal trainer from Pro-Balance. Book any of our services through our website today!

Photo via Pexels



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